Positive Press for San Diego Real Estate from Forbes.com

April 4, 2008

For the first time in a long time there is some positive news in the media regarding San Diego real estate. This article from the LA times talks about America’s Riskiest Real Estate Markets. Highlights from the article are below.

In cities like San Diego, one of five major metros where transactions rose, that’s good news, assuming it’s sustained. What makes transaction volume a good indicator is that it shows how easy it is for people to get loans and how much confidence there is in the market. If mortgages are available and buyers have some faith in the value of the home, they’re more likely to buy. San Diego’s present conditions suggest that over the next half-year, prices may start to rise. That’s because “there’s usually a three- to six-month lag between when transactions go up and prices go up,” says Jonathan Miller, president of Miller Samuel, a Manhattan real estate appraisal firm. Another good sign for the coming year? Increased credit availability. We took into account increased Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSE) loan limits. The new legislation will open up credit in markets such as Sacramento and San Diego by boosting the GSE loan limit by 125% of the median price. That’s a huge deal for San Diego, where 18% of the market will see improved lending conditions, based on projections by Radar Logic, a New York-based real estate research firm.