Today is a BONUS Day! Carpe Diem.

February 29, 2008

Listen Up! This is truly a SPECIAL DAY… it’s your bonus day. GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING AMAZING FOR YOURSELF!!!
How often do you get an extra day in your life? What if this was your last day? What would you do? No… REALLY? What would you do to express yourself fully and completely?

This is my 6.2422 Step Leap Day challenge to you:
1. Get Massively Creative and Inspired
2. Do Something Unexpected for You and those You Love
3. Mix a healthy dose of Extra in your ordinary day and get all kinds of Extraordinary
4. Break out of your normal routine and try something unusual, exciting, new… NOW! Get to it.
5. Invite your community of people to join with you. As many as possible.
6. Share what happened with the world via YouTube, Your Blog, Twitter et al. Inspire others.
6.2422. MAKE LEAP DAY A TRADITION IN YOUR LIFE as often as possible.

…shut off your email and go make someone’s day;^)

Below is the email that inspired the above post. I received it from one of my West of the Five clients this morning and is worth reprinting.
Thanks to MikeD and being back on coffee for the inspiration.

“Dear Friends,

Today is a BONUS day that we only get to celebrate once every 4 years.

It’s Leap Day!

Leap Day 2008

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone how cool life is and to take some time and appreciate it. Also, I think leap year is pretty fascinating and thought you might enjoy the knowledge. Check it…

Why do we have leap years?

First, in order to clearly understand what a leap year is, let’s define the following.

One day: The time it takes for the earth to rotate once.
One (solar) year: The time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun once.
One (Gregorian) calendar year: 365 – twenty four hour days.

Pay attention, because this is where it gets cool and rocks my world (literally).

One solar Year = 365.2422 days

Since our calendar is only 365 days long, there is a distance between where the earth is on its revolution and the end of its 365th day (365 rotations) and the completion of its orbit around the sun. It will take the earth .2422 days or just under 6 hours to cover that distance. Over the course of time, neglecting to adjust for this distance (1/4 day) would cause our seasons to eventually “drift” between the months. The fourth of July would one day be cold at the beach.

In order to ensure the seasons stay inline with our calendar (which is really just convenient for us) we add one day to the year every fourth year.

This system is not perfect though! You may have noted that one year is not exactly 365.25 days. There is still a difference between the calendar year (even with leap year) and the solar year. Adding one day, every fourth year is TOO MUCH! So… here are the rules for determining Leap Year.

1. Every year divisible by four is a leap year.
2. Of those years, if a year can be divided by 100, then it is NOT a leap year.
3. The year is divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year.


1900 = not a leap year
2000= leap year
2008= leap year

I hope everyone has a great day! It’s bonus so enjoy it!”