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What is West of the Five?

Why not live where others only vacation? Why not take your sunset stroll where couples venture to spark romance? Why not take every opportunity to play in the surf that families save up all year to splash in for one week? Why not live where flip flops are proper attire year round? Like most good questions these lead to an even bigger question: Why Live Anywhere Else?

Travis and Joy Houston believe that the surest way to live a life you love is to allocate your time, energy and money to the things you value most. When expenditures of these precious assets match the things we care about most life is good. When they don’t the natural flow of life seems more like a challenging swim upstream.

“This is a concept that I apply effectively in my life in many ways”, shares Joy Houston, “but it wasn’t until I met Travis that I realized I was failing to apply it to my biggest monthly expense, my home!” When it came to paying more for organic foods or yoga classes or quality education for her daughter Joy made choices based on values, but when it came to buying a home she felt pressured to be pragmatic. “When I bought my house I was should-ing all over myself. I should buy the biggest house I can afford. I should live in a more practical area. By settling on a neighborhood that didn’t suit me I spent more time, energy and money just maintaining the life I love”, she states.

“Joy’s story is typical for a nervous first time buyer. With a solid assessment she could have been advised on a purchase that matched her values in the area she loves and she would have seen even higher appreciation. More importantly she could have been more connected to her community, and more than just a visitor at her favorite beaches,” Travis explains. Of course there is a reason for everything unfolding as it does. Travis swears that Joy’s experience ads to her ability to really listen to clients and separate the wants from the “shoulds”.

Sunset Cliff HomesTravis, Joy and their daughter Evie now live together in Pacific Beach where the healthy lifestyle they value is easily accessible. They also value creating community so it’s no surprise that Travis is an active member of the Pacific Beach Town Council and the whole family volunteers with the San Diego Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation. This family is living a life they love and as far as they are concerned, when it comes to San Diego…why live anywhere else?

When it comes to the sale or purchase of your properties West of the Five, Travis Houston knows how to make it the best experience it can be. Dedication, commitment, and results are the three things he delivers every time. Education, connection, and follow through are what Joy Houston is committed to providing with the financing for your transactions. Contact them today.

West of the Five Map:

West of the Five Map for San Diego, California

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