More Banks Foreclosures Are About To Hit The Market

January 26, 2009

San Diego Real Estate Foreclosures

If you watched the videos of Bruce Norris from one of my previous posts you will likely know that inventories of unsold homes are likely to swell in coming months as lenders begin to push a growing backlog of repossessed homes up for sale — often in communities already awash in distressed properties. Inman News has the complete article here.

Happy Chinese New Year 2009 – Year of the OX

January 26, 2009

Chinese New Year 2009 Year of the Ox

Monday, January 26th, 2009 marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year of the Earth Ox. This is the Chinese year 4707. This is the second year in the 12 year cycle of the Chinese horoscope and promises to be a better year than last year. Even though last year was an earth year, this one is yin instead of yang, and thus promises to be less tumultuous. Now that you have finished with all of the loose ends from the last 12 cycle and started in a promising, if somewhat chaotic fashion with the year of the rat; it is time to continue making smart choices and move slowly forward, to ensure a firm base for this 12 year cycle! This is the year to stay stead fast to whatever seeds you planted, fertilize them and watch them grow. It will not be quick, good choices are essential, but it should not be as traumatic as the last couple of years.

Ox years are slow, even paced, hard working years. One foot in front of the other, going slowly forward is the motto. Unfortunately Earth has a destructive relationship with the Ox’s fixed element, Water. This makes for some hard times! We have seen this conflict of elements for the last 4 of 6 years. However this is not all bad, and as long as we remain optimistic, there will be success. It will not be flashy, it will take work, but we can succeed.

This is the year for intellectual pursuits. Great minds coming together, making a plan, and setting it in motion. Steady savings and financial stability are hallmarks of this sign. The last time the earth Ox was seen as the ruling influence was January 29, 1949 – February 15, 1950. The world was in another recession in late 1948 and early 1949. The world economy recovered during the year of the ox due to rational decisions and careful planning.  Thus planning, scholarship and research are favorable activities this year. It is also an auspicious time for the arts, applied arts such as design and graphics are best. Be creative; think outside the box, but with your feet on the ground. It is important to select only a few projects, and research them thoroughly, and start slowly and keep on going. No ‘get rich quick’ schemes this year.

This is a good year for romance, slow and steady. Be on the lookout for the right mate. Take it slow. This year also boosts careers as long as you keep your other responsibilities in mind (the ox year can cause one to loose sight of those around them, family and friends, when they are working hard on a project).

People born in the year of the ox are steady, reliable, trustworthy, patient, hard working; stubborn, fearless, obstinate…..Do you get the picture? They are just the person you want on your team in these hard times. They know how to keep going, moving forward in the face of extreme hardship. Oxen tend to be very verbal. They may be soft spoken, but you will want to pay attention when they speak. It is no wonder that Barack Obama is an ox. They are willing to tackle the workload when it becomes overbearing for others (lucky us). Ox make a very good match for rats, snakes and roosters, but can have some troubles with the horse, the sheep and the pig.

Other people tend to look up to Earth Oxen because of their reliability, sincerity and their modest ambitions. The year 2009 will be a period of lasting accomplishments. This is true for individuals, societies and the human race in general. There may be times when motivation appears to be lacking. Keep pushing forward.  In fact the big challenge everyone faces is to generate the enthusiasm and desire to act. Those individuals and organizations that do will create enduring benefits for themselves and the world.

1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, and 1997 are years of the ox.